
April 21, 2024

Game Dev Diary #1 Dash

Back in the Game: A New Project from Jase Magee and Me Jase Magee and I have created a number of games over the years, more of which can be found here. ...

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May 14, 2018

Giving a Nintendo Switch to the Children's Ward

As mentioned in our previous blog post here, we wanted to sponsor a Nintendo Switch for Guernsey Hospital Children’s Ward as part of Digital ACE. On Thursday 19th April Jason went to the hospital to give them the Nintendo Switch as well as Splatoon 2 alongside Guernsey eSports. ...

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February 13, 2018

Digital ACE Guernsey Nintendo Switch Giveaway

One of Jason’s other ventures is Guernsey eSports which is an attempt to create a competitive gaming scene in Guernsey. Guernsey eSports was invited to host an exhibit at a local event run on Safer Internet Day known as Digital ACE. ...

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January 31, 2018

2018 Guernsey Global Games Jam Aftermath

Jan 26th - 28th saw the 10th anniversary Global Game Jam with over 42k people taking part. Guernsey took part in its 4th jam, hosted once again at the Digital Greenhouse which is a fantastic, creative space with 17 people working on 6 different games. ...

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January 6, 2018

2018 Guernsey Global Games Jam

This year we are site managers alongside Ben Wratten (from the Digital Greenhouse) for Guernsey’s Global Games Jam. The Digital Greenhouse are kindly hosting the event as they have done for the previous few years. ...

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March 31, 2017

Company Setup

Setting up a company in Guernsey Granite Games is a small outfit, made up of just two people: Jason Magee and Marc Beavan. We both have real jobs and develop games whenever we are not working (and when our families allow us to shut ourselves away in our geeky man caves). ...

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